Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Masaki Fujihata

    Masaki Fujihata uses interactive technology, virtual reality and networking to question human perception and awareness. His work really makes you question reality vs. technology. Fujihata is constantly questioning reality and his art work really makes you do some critical thinking. One piece of work Fujihata has done is the "Unreflected Mirror". The mirror is an extended version of a normal mirror, the appearance of the mirror looks completely ordinary. From the technical side it is realized with virtual reality using 3D position tracking and stereo projection. But it is a totally fake mirror. In it, a viewer wearing polarized filter glasses sees the glasses as a reflection, but cannot see themselves. The reflected image of the back walls follows the eye coordination of the person looking into the mirror. People who have looked into the mirror experience a strange feeling of the loss of their existence.
   I think this mirror is very weird but its different and that's cool. I really like the way Fujuhata art pieces make you think. The mirror tricks you and i think that people feel like they lost their existence when they look into this mirror because now a days most people are so used to seeing and feeling everything to be able to understand that some thing is real and not fake. So the question of reality vs technology is a debatable topic that can be argued for days. Since i haven't personally looked into this mirror i can only go off of what people have said about it but this is a mirror i would like to see.

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